Press Coverage & News VideosHere you can find some of the press releases and news related to my work. To find out more click on every image for full info. Press Arts in the City #51, The Flow-Marko GavrilovicMarko Gavrilovic interview for RYL MagazineMarko Gavrilovic interview for RYL MagazineArts in the City 51, coverArts in the City 51, coverMarko Gavrilovic and Sandra Vucicevic Circle of Life LA STAMPAEXPO Milan 2015Interview for ArtBook Guy, artist Marko GavrilovicInterview for ArtBook Guy, artist Marko GavrilovicGenesis, Designboom, Marko GavrilovicSleep dealer- artist Marko Gavrilovic for VizkulturaSleep dealer- artist Marko Gavrilovic for Vizkultura12 Rooms and Global Village in Alkmaar, NL12 soba, Global Village, Alkmaar2010 Fine Art, artist Marko GavrilovicA Burning Desire to Win, World Cup, artist Marko GavrilovicA Burning Desire to Win, World Cup, artist Marko GavrilovicArthood Winners, artist Marko GavrilovicArtist to Look out for, artist bookArtist to Look out for, artist book, Marko GavrilovicFifa-2010Global VillageGenesis, exhibition at SKC Gallery in BelgradeGenesis at SKC Gallery, exhibition by artist Marko GavrilovicTV Pink exhibition announcement