In the metropolis where skyscrapers touch the sky, streets pulse with life. Artist Marko Gavrilovic with a drawing series titled Anatomy of the City, explores the connections between humans as nature-made beings and the city as a human-made environment. Join us as we delve into the correlations revealed by Gavrilovic’s artwork and uncover the inspiration behind his compelling creations.
Gavrilovic draws inspiration from the energy of urban life and the timeless beauty of the natural world. His work reflects the dynamic interplay between these seemingly disparate realms.
On one side, there is a narrative that celebrates the resilience and adaptability of the human spirit within the confines of the cityscape.
On the other, there is a simple natural side of ourselves that originates from the very beginning.
The artist’s drawings depict the city elements not only as traces of human activity but as living entities with pulse and rhythm.
Each part of this urban landscape — from the architecture infrastructure to human anatomic details, mirrors the complexities of our experience.
Through reflections of our collective aspirations, struggles, and triumphs, Gavrilovic seeks to revive a sense of wonder, encouraging viewers to rediscover the magic hidden within the concrete jungles and our bodies.
A drawing is a life itself.
For some, it’s not too important. For me, it’s essential.
A manifest which if carefully used, could send a deep message. The whole world is
One big drawing that someone drew a long time ago.
Each person while living draws a line of motion,
Leaving an invisible, or visible trace of its existence by making a personal drawing.