Symbiosis light sculptures | Plexiglas sculpture | Marko Gavrilovic


Light sculpture texture detail, plexiglass


Light sculpture symbiosis

Symbiosis light sculptures emphasize the idea that our world is made of fragments, using pieces of Plexiglas, I am trying to get into the pattern of nature.

Symbiosis 6, light sculpture, Plexiglas, 39.3 x 11.4 x 6.6 in

light installation, light sculpture, light panel, marko gavrilovic, sculptor of light

Symbio 3, light sculpture, Plexiglas/led

Light sculptures by artist Marko Gavrilovic

Symbiosis 5, light sculptures

A close-up of a light sculpture texture by Marko Gavrilovic


Symbiosis series, textures

Light sculptures from the Symbiosis series


Symbiosis light sculptures

A Mystery man is a light sculpture made from black plexiglass.


A Mystery man, light sculpture

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve. Max Planck

Sculptures from symbiosis light sculpture series by Marko Gavrilovic


Symbiosis 2, light sculpture

Everything is made up of parts. They form structures, objects, elements, and living organisms. Some forms are closer to us than others. Different parts are building different worlds, people, but there is a symbiosis that connects life on Earth in general. Every single thing is made of fragments that fit into a single display of all we know. Each object is alive and his life depends on the energy that has been stored in it.

Symbio is a black and white plexiglass sculpture from symbiosis light sculptures series by Marko Gavrilovic


Symbio,black & white

Genesis red is symbiosis light sculpture from the series of the same name.


Genesis red, light sculpture

Synthesis 2, exhibition view


Synthesis 2, light sculpture

Symbiosis blue, close-up detail


Symbiosis blue, detail

Symbiosis 4


Symbiosis 4

Symbiosis 1, texture detail


Symbiosis 1, detail

Unique - light sculpture


Unique – the one and only

Genesis exhibition, Symbiosis sculpture


Genesis-Symbiosis sculpture

Genesis, exhibition view, photo 1


Genesis, exhibition view 1

Genesis, exhibition view, photo 2


Genesis, exhibition view 2

Genesis, exhibition view, photo 3


Light sculptures, Genesis exhibition

Symbiosis 5, light sculpture from the Symbiosis series.


Symbiosis 5, light sculpture