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Serbian contemporary artist Marko Gavrilovic received Artzept’s first prize for his light sculpture Monolith at this prestigious international design competition for the year 2022. The Artzept was founded by Mrs. Madlena Zepter in 2004 and is part of the Zepter Art Foundation.

Process 1, Monolith light sculpture by Marko Gavrilovic, Artzept first prize
This light sculpture is on public view and permanent collection of the Foundation from January 2023 at the Art Palace Madlena, Belgrade.
Monolith is a rock that symbolizes strength and durability, a scroll with stored universal secrets and truths on it. It contains a text in a language incomprehensible to most people, but it is known for its existence. The idea was to make a likable, simple form but exceptionally informative and detailed.
I tried to design a sculpture and tailor it to human size. Nevertheless, the height of these light sculptures goes from 250 to 350 cm. Even though it was easier to fit into the setting, I escaped the rectangular shape, believing that amorphous shapes have much greater potential.

Monolith light sculpture by Marko Gavrilovic with a sculpture and sketch

Monolith light sculpture, process
Engravings are made by hand or with a CNC machine. This example is a combination of both. The elements and symbols this sculpture has on its surface are combined in various ways that are not immediately connectable. The concept is designed to intrigue the observer to make individual sculpture interpretations.
Constructive parts of the sculpture are shaped with stainless steel wires and profiles, welded, chrome-plated, or plasticized.
After this first phase of skeleton making, we start to work with UV-resistant acrylic glass or polycarbonate.

Sketches, light sculpture by Marko Gavrilovic, Artzept first prize