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Spirit of the Sea, shark sculpture by artist Marko Gavrilovic
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Spirit of the Sea, shark sculpture by artist Marko Gavrilovic
“When I was a little boy, I remember going to the sea.
I remember seeing someone at the bottom.
He was searching for something.
Where did he come from?
I just watched from a distance.
I’d wanted to go there, but it was too far, and I didn’t know how.
They may appear as man, seeking fish with their spears,
But they are spirits, Spirits of the sea.”
Spirit of the Sea, shark sculpture close-up
We heard from the legends that the sea possesses a spirit, a force both wild and wise, carried by the waves. The inspiration for this shark sculpture comes from the tale where the Spirit of the Sea in the form of a man-like creature is the guardian that captures the essence of the ocean’s beauty. In this enchanted and immense space, nothing appears to be simple, hidden by the depth of unlimited blue horizont, the spirit wanders on an everlasting quest.
Spirit of the Sea, shark sculpture made from Plexiglas
Terms boundless sea and boundless ocean stand for the unlimited blue horizon, incomprehensibly vast space from our perspective. This sculpture outlines that the sea creatures, wherever they are, in the sea, the ocean, are an immeasurable and inseparable part of that unlimited realm. In the future, it would be crucial to keep those spirits of the sea alive, as they are guardians of these uncharted waters that are fragile now more than ever.
This sculpture is 3 m long with an entire body made from Plexiglas pieces, with an LED light system inside.
Shark light sculpture by artist Marko Gavrilovic