The City of Man | acrylic paintings by artist Marko Gavrilovic

The city of man

The City of Man | The New Civilization

By now it has become clear even to the optimists among us, that our materialistic civilization is mortally ill. All the so-called social, political, economic, and physical revolutions have failed in one important thing. Not one of them has made human beings better or more worthy of life……………………………………………………..B.P.

Acrylic painting of a couple in blue color.

Love itself, acrylic on canvas

What is fear, is a painting of a man facing the big shark.

What is Fear, acrylic on board

Jil is an actress who has become timeless in her role.
In the present, future, and dimensions that intertwine, she remains the same.
Her universal beauty lasts forever, and transience symbolized by the elements that float around her, can not affect her androgenic character.

Distribution of humans is futurist painting.

Distribution of Humans, mixed-technique on canvas

Individuality is in danger. People imitate and copy each other. They think like someone else, dress, and act like someone else. Scientists eventually came up with an idea that they could replicate an ingenious and perfect man. How can a human clone become a part of our everyday life? In the piece “Distribution of Humans,” you can see female and male figures in different colors in front of the wall that represent our limited beliefs. While staring at this concrete wall that restrains their future, from time to time, people can see a window. Through that window, they can see the sky. The sky, as a symbol of hope, seems to be too distant. Maybe the reason is in lack of connection with our souls, which makes the right road in life hard to find. That is why the wall remains unbroken and the blue sky remains so distant because no one will destroy this wall. No one thinks differently. No one will say: “There is a blue sky behind this wall beyond our comprehension rich with possibilities” Ideally or not, we just have to go there a grab it.
But, this is the official version of the life in future…
Who could be so sure, knowing the nature of man, that one of us suddenly wouldn’t break the wall?