How important is to maintain harmony in this corporate world today when you want to have more in every sense? The pace of modern lifestyle and philosophy of consumption makes us limited, unnatural because everything is temporary and that marks our human relationships.
In need of variety and stimulation, it seems that man is losing contact with reality by taking care only for himself, without respect for others and the community. You think that this is different but think again. Life is too short in this race against time. This statement comes from people who created this motto and gave it a value and significance, but today’s desire to have more led people to think and live in a growing conformity and they are not willing to lose it at any price.
How to find your place in this modern technocratic world, through adaptation or individuation?
More than ever, from today’s modern man, tolerance is required a friendly spirit and belonging.
That seems to be in contradiction with individuation which was an initial goal of The Enlightened movement. But, what about Nature? Everything we receive from Nature is essential for our life.
The fact that we have all the resources still available is the reason why humanity does not understand that. There is a common belief that Nature can be completely controlled by man and that this is even possible to do. The emergence of nanotechnology introduced us to a revolution in this field, with special emphasis on the cultivation of Nature.
The final result is to put Nature in a subordinate position, to make it work for humanity. Control is essential to ensure safety for such projects.
In my work, our world is presented in straight lines using details of the city, harsh industrial elements with human figures in their daily routine. Nature is shown symbolically as a bull, shark or a horse. Its power is limitlessness and mysterious in this struggle against technocracy.
Our World is like a mirror. While looking at these works try to look at your inner side in finding your way to interpret them.
Visit us at Gallery Jugoexport Belgrade.
The show will be open until 23rd of May.
See you there!