Infinity, bull light sculpture by Marko Gavrilovic
Infinity is the latest bull light sculpture by artist Marko Gavrilovic on view at Kinoteka Belgrade during the Italian Film Festival. This sculpture is a part of the solo show of the same title.

Art guides us through time, from the moment when we are crushed by an immense and dominating Nature, to that moment of serenity when we have learned to understand her and work in harmony with her laws… the history of civilization, as also the history of the individual.
Le Corbusier
The bull is a complex figure of symbolism. At once masculine, strong, and sturdy, a figure of anger and aggression, too often is the victim.
Traditionally, the bull symbolizes stamina, fertility, and hard work. Today, it’s often killed in a show of strength, surrounded in the act of ritual, tamed, and reduced of power by a superior man.

With this bull sculpture, I didn’t want to show just the raw side but rather a movement, feelings, and tension, a step into the unpredictable world. A bull is a character out of appropriate social clichés. Symbol of fire and Earth. A hero for a cause greater than himself. A simple representation of nature as a divine, gentle, powerful, and unpredictable creator of things.

Artwork dimensions: 170 x 140 x 16 cm
Material: Plexiglas/LED lights
Location: Jugoslovenska Kinoteka, Belgrade, Serbia
Two posting options:
- Hanging system for wall mounting made from metal or Plexiglas.
- Mounted on a custom art pedestal
Dimensions can vary a bigger size than this demand a metal skeleton. Plexiglas pieces are then attached to it, forming a body and form.
Artwork can be made as one side sculpture (for wall mounting as a light panel) and with two sides as a 3D sculpture on a custom art pedestal.
Marko Gavrilovic Contemporary Art