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Bull paintings-new series


The frequent motifs in your work are sharks and bulls. Can you tell us what bull paintings represent to you?

For me, the bull is a symbol that can be interpreted in different ways.
In some, they are parts of a forgotten code that humanity exchanges for enjoyment and easy life. On the other, quiet water which hides a secret below the surface consists of elements of a big puzzle or a vision of man’s inner world. In the end, bulls represent the simple nature that is struggling to survive. We can’t look at these scenes just from one side. The pose is similar, maybe a gesture on some, but everything else is different and unique.


Sketching is important
Sketching is important
Green Line, gallery view
Green Line, gallery view
Gold versus Silver, acrylic on canvas
Gold versus Silver, acrylic on canvas
 A painting is an explosion of lines and colors, an organized idea with a touch of the subconscious.
A painting is an explosion of lines and colors, an organized idea with a touch of the subconscious
Fly sky is a painting of an orange bull
Fly sky, acrylic on canvas
Another sketch
Another sketch
5. Gavrilovic M.

New painting – Flying City series

City Painting
Here you can see some of the details of my new painting. I am polishing edges that are still rough, but you can get the picture. This piece is going to be presented on my next solo as a continuation of People and the City series. It is called The Second Gate.
acrylic on canvas by marko gavrilovic, detail 1

The second Gate, acrylic on canvas, detail 1

The second Gate, painting, detail 2

The second Gate, acrylic on canvas, detail 2

Marko Gavrilovic art

Ⓒ Photo by Ivana Ivka

Marko Gavrilovic painting details

The second Gate, painting detail, Ⓒ Photos by Ivana Ivka                                                                                                                                        

New painting

New painting, close-up

Marko Gavrilovic contemporary city

Work in progress

Painting details

Painting details

Urban future, Gavrilovic

Urban, colorful or chaotic future?

Marko Gavrilovic, contemporary artist

Ⓒ Photo by Ivana Ivka

Urban game, Gavrilovic M.


Gavrilovic detail 1


Urban game 1, ivana ivka and Marko Gavrilovic

Playing with perspective

Marko Gavrilovic City

Just a line

Marko Gavrilovic, contemporary art