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Artzept first prize, light sculpture Monolith by Marko Gavrilovic

Marko Gavrilovic Monolith, Artzept prize, project cover

Artzept first prize, light sculpture Monolith by Marko Gavrilovic

Serbian contemporary artist Marko Gavrilovic is the recipient of Artzept’s first prize for his light sculpture Monolith at this international design competition. The Artzept was founded by Mrs. Madlena Zepter in 2004 and it is a part of the Zepter Art Foundation.

Process 1, Monolith light sculpture by Marko Gavrilovic, Artzept first prize
Monolith, light sculpture, work in progress, Artzept first prize 2022

The Artzept award is open to artists and designers from around the world and covers a broad range of categories, including industrial design, painting, and sculpture, among others. A panel of experts from the art and design industries judges entries. They evaluate each submission based on factors such as creativity, originality, technical skill, and relevance to contemporary society.

Winners receive a cash prize, as well as the opportunity to showcase their work in a special exhibition organized by the Artzept Cultural Foundation. This award provides a platform for artists and designers to gain exposure and recognition within the global art and design community.

Monolith, light sculpture, a power in details, plexiglas art
Marko Gavrilovic, svetlosna skulptura Monolith, Palata Umetnosti Madlena

the Artzept design award represents a huge opportunity for creative individuals to showcase their talents and contribute to the development of the art and design industries.

Monolith light sculpture’s body is made in several phases. Constructive parts of the sculpture are shaped with stainless steel wires and profiles, welded, chrome-plated, or plasticized, depending on the agreement. After this first phase of skeleton making, we start to work with UV-resistant acrylic glass or polycarbonate. The sculpture is built by joining and bending previously prepared plastic segments.

The combination of colors and shapes comes to the fore making this technique alive and always different.
Due to the work in layers and the use of light, the sculpture has two faces. One is when the light is off, and then we only see one look, texture, and color on the very surface of the sculpture. When the light comes on, you get a broader picture of the form, its depth, overlaps, color mixing, etc.

The stainless steel base is mounted on a concrete foundation. There is also an option for this sculpture to be solar-powered, in both cases, it has an LED lighting system inside.

Infinity, bull light sculpture by Marko Gavrilovic

Infinity, light sculpture by Marko Gavrilovic

Infinity, bull light sculpture by Marko Gavrilovic

Infinity is the latest bull light sculpture by artist Marko Gavrilovic on view at Kinoteka Belgrade during the Italian Film Festival. This sculpture is a part of the solo show of the same title.

Infinity (Bull) light sculpture by Marko Gavrilovic, Kinoteka 2022
Infinity, light sculpture by Marko Gavrilovic

Art guides us through time, from the moment when we are crushed by an immense and dominating Nature, to that moment of serenity when we have learned to understand her and work in harmony with her laws… the history of civilization, as also the history of the individual.

Le Corbusier

The bull is a complex figure of symbolism. At once masculine, strong, and sturdy, a figure of anger and aggression, too often is the victim. 

Traditionally, the bull symbolizes stamina, fertility, and hard work. Today, it’s often killed in a show of strength, surrounded in the act of ritual, tamed, and reduced of power by a superior man.

Infinity bull close up details, artist Marko Gavrilovic

With this bull sculpture, I didn’t want to show just the raw side but rather a movement, feelings, and tension, a step into the unpredictable world. A bull is a character out of appropriate social clichés. Symbol of fire and Earth. A hero for a cause greater than himself. A simple representation of nature as a divine, gentle, powerful, and unpredictable creator of things.

Artist Marko Gavrilovic with his bull light sculpture Infinity

Artwork dimensions: 170 x 140 x 16 cm

Material: Plexiglas/LED lights

Location: Jugoslovenska Kinoteka, Belgrade, Serbia

Two posting options:

  1. Hanging system for wall mounting made from metal or Plexiglas.
  2. Mounted on a custom art pedestal

Dimensions can vary a bigger size than this demand a metal skeleton. Plexiglas pieces are then attached to it, forming a body and form.

Artwork can be made as one side sculpture (for wall mounting as a light panel) and with two sides as a 3D sculpture on a custom art pedestal.



Marko Gavrilovic Contemporary Art

À GOGO II at the W Hotel Hollywood in LA, Mash Gallery

À GOGO II at the W Hotel Hollywood in conjunction with Frieze LA, The Enlightened man, Marko Gavrilovic

À GOGO II at the W Hotel Hollywood in conjunction with Frieze LA

Los Angeles Jan 13th, 2022. Haleh Mashian, a prolific painter and owner of MASH Gallery is set to return for her second groundbreaking exhibit at the W Hotel Hollywood in conjunction with Frieze LA. The À GOGO II exhibit will debut on Thursday, Feb 17th, 2022, an invite-only red carpet affair. 

Mash Gallery, W-Hollywood-Hotel, The Enlightened-man, Marko Gavrilovic
Mash-Gallery-w-hollywood-hotel-hollywood-california-the-enlightened-man-marko-gavrilovic, visitors


The much-anticipated exhibit is a continuation of Mashian’s outstanding show in 2020 which had record attendance and received critical acclaim. Haleh has been climbing the curatorial ladder with exciting and innovative exhibitions securing her place as a creative force in the Los Angeles art community. As an artist herself, she also has a unique talent for inviting established artists and discovering new and emerging artists. 

Previously produced and exhibited À GOGO in 2020 at the W Hotel and the impressive downtown Mash Gallery in the Arts District. 


À GOGO II at the W Hotel Hollywood in conjunction with Frieze LA, The Enlightened man, Marko Gavrilovic

Although the 2021 exhibit was postponed due to the pandemic, Haleh put her positive spin on things and used this time to seek out and work with unique artists. Mash Gallery promised to produce a larger-scale show and artists and the gallerist have delivered just that. Two years of precise dedication and commitment have paid off to ensure the 2022 exhibit will be a stunning and memorable experience for all artists, art lovers, and the creative  Los Angeles community. This is not to be missed. 

À GOGO II  will consist of a collection of unique works from local, national, and international artists. The viewers are invited to new ways of exploring abstraction through a variety of mediums. The talented artists will come together to create a cohesive yet dissonant exhibition where each painting stands alone and yet lends itself to be part of full orchestration.  The simplicity meets the unconventional palette, values, visual color contrast, which excites the eye and evokes imagination, and involvement. This assertively dynamic, raw, edgy, and uplifting exhibition will explode into a visual ecstasy. 


Mashian is extremely supportive of all talented artists and this is evident in everything she does creatively. Her passion and commitment to her gallery and to supporting her fellow artists are second to none. “Color is life and life is color. Every chakra has a color. As if nature constantly reminds us that our divinity is intertwined with colors. To live life fully is to embrace all the nuances that color brings to our daily lives.” Said Mashian. 

The Flow – Marko Gavrilovic

Exhibition The Flow

Marko Gavrilovic / Galerie Boris / Paris

on view through May and June 2019 

We are excited to announce a new exhibition in Paris. Contemporary artist Marko Gavrilovic will present his new works from Urban City and Bulls series as well as the latest light installations in vivid colorful spectra. If you are in Paris, do not miss it and visit us at Galerie Boris.


©The Flow – Marko Gavrilovic; Galerie Boris
The Flow cover
©The Flow – Marko Gavrilovic; Galerie Boris
Through the cold wilderness, acrylic on paper, 70 x 100 cm

Photos from the opening “The Flow

Art Palm Beach 2018, Sharks

Art Palm Beach 2018, shark sculptures by Marko Gavrilovic


Art Palm Beach 21st Edition

Modern & Contemporary Art Fair
17-21 January 2018

Visit us at Booth 501

Art Palm Beach is  South Florida ’s longest running mid-winter fair dedicated to contemporary, emerging, and modern masterworks of the art of the 20th and 21st centuries. The internationally renowned premiere contemporary art fair at the Palm Beach County Convention Center will be celebrating its 21st edition.

Shark sculptures

Bull paintings-new series


The frequent motifs in your work are sharks and bulls. Can you tell us what bull paintings represent to you?

For me, the bull is a symbol that can be interpreted in different ways.
In some, they are parts of a forgotten code that humanity exchanges for enjoyment and easy life. On the other, quiet water which hides a secret below the surface consists of elements of a big puzzle or a vision of man’s inner world. In the end, bulls represent the simple nature that is struggling to survive. We can’t look at these scenes just from one side. The pose is similar, maybe a gesture on some, but everything else is different and unique.


Sketching is important
Sketching is important
Green Line, gallery view
Green Line, gallery view
Gold versus Silver, acrylic on canvas
Gold versus Silver, acrylic on canvas
 A painting is an explosion of lines and colors, an organized idea with a touch of the subconscious.
A painting is an explosion of lines and colors, an organized idea with a touch of the subconscious
Fly sky is a painting of an orange bull
Fly sky, acrylic on canvas
Another sketch
Another sketch
5. Gavrilovic M.

New painting – Flying City series

City Painting
Here you can see some of the details of my new painting. I am polishing edges that are still rough, but you can get the picture. This piece is going to be presented on my next solo as a continuation of People and the City series. It is called The Second Gate.
acrylic on canvas by marko gavrilovic, detail 1

The second Gate, acrylic on canvas, detail 1

The second Gate, painting, detail 2

The second Gate, acrylic on canvas, detail 2

Marko Gavrilovic art

Ⓒ Photo by Ivana Ivka

Marko Gavrilovic painting details

The second Gate, painting detail, Ⓒ Photos by Ivana Ivka                                                                                                                                        

New painting

New painting, close-up

Marko Gavrilovic contemporary city

Work in progress

Painting details

Painting details

Urban future, Gavrilovic

Urban, colorful or chaotic future?

Marko Gavrilovic, contemporary artist

Ⓒ Photo by Ivana Ivka

Urban game, Gavrilovic M.


Gavrilovic detail 1


Urban game 1, ivana ivka and Marko Gavrilovic

Playing with perspective

Marko Gavrilovic City

Just a line

Marko Gavrilovic, contemporary art