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The Flow – Marko Gavrilovic

Exhibition The Flow

Marko Gavrilovic / Galerie Boris / Paris

on view through May and June 2019 

We are excited to announce a new exhibition in Paris. Contemporary artist Marko Gavrilovic will present his new works from Urban City and Bulls series as well as the latest light installations in vivid colorful spectra. If you are in Paris, do not miss it and visit us at Galerie Boris.


©The Flow – Marko Gavrilovic; Galerie Boris
The Flow cover
©The Flow – Marko Gavrilovic; Galerie Boris
Through the cold wilderness, acrylic on paper, 70 x 100 cm

Photos from the opening “The Flow

New painting – Flying City series

City Painting
Here you can see some of the details of my new painting. I am polishing edges that are still rough, but you can get the picture. This piece is going to be presented on my next solo as a continuation of People and the City series. It is called The Second Gate.
acrylic on canvas by marko gavrilovic, detail 1

The second Gate, acrylic on canvas, detail 1

The second Gate, painting, detail 2

The second Gate, acrylic on canvas, detail 2

Marko Gavrilovic art

Ⓒ Photo by Ivana Ivka

Marko Gavrilovic painting details

The second Gate, painting detail, Ⓒ Photos by Ivana Ivka                                                                                                                                        

New painting

New painting, close-up

Marko Gavrilovic contemporary city

Work in progress

Painting details

Painting details

Urban future, Gavrilovic

Urban, colorful or chaotic future?

Marko Gavrilovic, contemporary artist

Ⓒ Photo by Ivana Ivka

Urban game, Gavrilovic M.


Gavrilovic detail 1


Urban game 1, ivana ivka and Marko Gavrilovic

Playing with perspective

Marko Gavrilovic City

Just a line

Marko Gavrilovic, contemporary art